Saturday, February 15, 2025

1977 JC 200: Calbee Stickers

Sadaharu Oh-LHB #1 mid swing (need image)

Sadaharu Oh-LHB rt. leg a bit raised
Sadaharu Oh-LHB flamingo stance
Sadaharu Oh-LH ready to field

Saturday, March 16, 2024

1973 JC 2b: Large Calbee Premiums

3 3/4” x 5 3/4” in size, these premium cards were a reward choice for kids who mailed in their homerun cards. The Sadaharu Oh cards are as follows:
Oh/Nagashima/Takada/Horiuchi/Takahashi (NEED IMAGE)
Sadaharu Oh-chest up LHB at bat(NEED IMAGE)
Sadaharu Oh-stomach up, mid swing, big bat
Sadaharu Oh-stomach up, mid swing,horizontal format, #1
Sadaharu Oh-swinging sword
Sadaharu Oh-rowing a boat
Sadaharu Oh-kneeling (UNCATALOGUED)

Sunday, January 7, 2024

1980 JC 9 & 10: Calbee Large & Small

While "Homerun" cards weren't issued by Calbee in 1980, I felt it'd be remiss of me not to include the final Calbee cards of Sadaharu Oh's playing career....
Inventoried 7/9 cards (need 156, 161)
JC9: 1980 Calbee Large
JC10: 1980 Calbee Small

1979 JC 8a-8i

Inventoried 8/8 cards
JC8a: Basic Series
JC8b: April Best Series
JC8e: May Best Series
JC8c: April-June Central League Stars
JC8f: July Best Series
JC8g: August Best Series
JC8h: October Best Series
JC8i: Hozonban-Title Holders Series

1978 JC7i: Vs. Cards

Unknown # of cards in this set.....

1978 JC7d: 1978 Regular Type II

Unknown # of cards in this set.....

1978 JC7c: 1978 Regular Type I

Unknown # of cards in this set.....

1977 JC 200: Calbee Stickers

Sadaharu Oh-LHB #1 mid swing (need image) Sadaharu Oh-LHB rt. leg a bit raised Sadaharu Oh-LHB flamingo stance Sadaharu Oh-LH ready to...